Foreign Exchange Turnover Report – April 2013

List of tables

Table 1: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrument

Table 2: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrument and Counterparty

Table 3: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currency

Table 4: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currency Pair

Table 5: Maturities by Instrument and Currency

Table 6a: AUD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currency

Table 6b: USD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currency

Table 6c: EUR Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currency

Table 1: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrumenta,b Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2013 Oct 2012 Change over six months
  US$m US$m US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days (October 2012 calculated on 22 trading days).

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

Outright Spot 47,754 42,065 5,689 14
Outright Forwards 11,615 9,249 2,366 26
FX Swaps 115,243 128,459 −13,217 −10
Currency Swaps 4,466 4,198 268 6
OTC Options 2,629 2,045 583 29
TOTAL TURNOVER 181,707 186,016 −4,309 −2

Table 2: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrument and Counterpartya,b Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2013 Oct 2012 Change over six months
  US$m US$m US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days (October 2012 calculated on 22 trading days).

b Sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

Outright Spot 47,754 42,065 5,689 14
Financial Institutions - Local 7,250 5,790 1,460 25
Financial Institutions - Overseas 37,590 31,247 6,343 20
Non-financial Institutions - Local 2,148 4,328 −2,180 −50
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 766 700 67 10
Outright Forwards 11,615 9,249 2,366 26
Financial Institutions - Local 3,811 2,810 1,001 36
Financial Institutions - Overseas 5,110 3,407 1,702 50
Non-financial Institutions - Local 1,453 1,503 −50 −3
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 1,242 1,529 −287 −19
FX Swaps 115,243 128,459 −13,217 −10
Financial Institutions - Local 21,087 24,511 −3,424 −14
Financial Institutions - Overseas 89,201 96,607 −7,406 −8
Non-financial Institutions - Local 1,032 4,123 −3,091 −75
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 3,922 3,219 704 22
Currency Swaps 4,466 4,198 268 6
Financial Institutions - Local 986 1,567 −581 −37
Financial Institutions - Overseas 3,351 2,040 1,311 64
Non-financial Institutions - Local 72 246 −174 −71
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 58 344 −287 −83
OTC Options 2,629 2,045 583 29
Financial Institutions - Local 156 298 −141 −47
Financial Institutions - Overseas 2,100 1,314 786 60
Non-financial Institutions - Local 330 297 32 11
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 43 137 −94 −69

Table 3: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currencya Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2013 Proportion of Totalb Oct 2012 Proportion of Totalb
  US$m % US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days (October 2012 calculated on 22 trading days).

b Proportions sum to 200% as there are two currencies involved in each transaction.

AUD 91,344 50 99,159 53
USD 164,332 90 170,772 92
EUR 26,571 15 30,373 16
OTHER CURRENCIES 81,167 45 71,728 39
TOTAL 181,707   186,016  

Table 4: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currency Paira Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2013 Proportion of Total Oct 2012 Proportion of Total
  US$m % US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days (October 2012 calculated on 22 trading days).

b Totals may not sum due to rounding.

AUD/USD 80,511 44 89,454 48
AUD/EUR 2,516 1 2,338 1
AUD/JPY 2,850 2 2,670 1
AUD/GBP 2,290 1 1,308 1
AUD/CHF 203 0 203 0
AUD/CAD 559 0 759 0
AUD/NZD 1,500 1 1,359 1
AUD/SEK 62 0 82 0
AUD/OTHER ASIAN 644 0 778 0
AUD/OTHER 92 0 129 0
EUR/USD 20,613 11 24,556 13
USD/JPY 20,851 11 13,981 8
USD/GBP 8,975 5 9,032 5
USD/CHF 1,543 1 1,460 1
USD/CAD 4,068 2 5,935 3
USD/NZD 16,958 9 15,371 8
USD/SEK 858 0 483 0
USD/OTHER ASIAN 6,229 3 5,630 3
USD/OTHER 2,769 2 3,969 2
EUR/JPY 1,329 1 1,309 1
EUR/GBP 741 0 919 0
EUR/CHF 192 0 221 0
EUR/CAD 192 0 317 0
EUR/NZD 257 0 232 0
EUR/SEK 78 0 35 0
EUR/OTHER ASIAN 165 0 119 0
EUR/OTHER 387 0 207 0
TOTALb 181,707   186,016  

Table 5: Maturities by Instrument and Currencya,b Daily average (US$m)
  Seven days or less Seven days to 1 year Over 1 year
  US$m US$m US$m
a Not adjusted for reporter dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days (October 2012 calculated on 22 trading days).

b Totals may not sum due to rounding.

c ‘Against USD’ excludes AUD/USD turnover; ‘Against EUR’ excludes AUD/EUR and EUR/USD turnover.

Outright Forwards 4,793 7,000 113
Against AUD 2,636 4,347 49
Against USDc 2,017 2,379 63
Against EURc 64 119 1
FX Swaps 103,456 25,307 501
Against AUD 58,912 12,080 299
Against USDc 43,868 12,952 189
Against EURc 370 149 13
Currency Swaps 322 1,800 2,996
Against AUD 322 1,355 2,638
Against USDc 0 445 337
Against EURc 0 0 21
OTC Options 997 1,674 81
Against AUD 650 1,255 78
Against USDc 339 401 3
Against EURc 8 15 0

Table 6a: AUD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currencya,b Daily average (US$m)
  AUD Against
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days.

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

Outright Spot 12,654 1,071 1,165 827 120 336 904 21 336 85 36 17,556
Financial Institutions - Local 2,698 150 120 203 5 40 203 1 40 1 5 3,467
Financial Institutions - Overseas 8,464 678 997 566 110 269 610 17 269 80 23 12,084
Non-financial Institutions - Local 1,392 237 21 56 5 26 86 3 26 3 7 1,862
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 100 6 26 2 0 1 6 0 1 0 1 143
Outright Forwards 5,015 601 386 303 45 130 136 29 199 19 23 6,888
Financial Institutions - Local 1,746 348 243 194 27 96 37 24 129 15 20 2,879
Financial Institutions - Overseas 1,517 68 96 34 4 11 65 3 54 2 1 1,854
Non-financial Institutions - Local 993 179 46 73 14 24 32 2 17 2 2 1,384
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 759 6 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 770
FX Swaps 57,689 637 1,195 1,147 33 91 364 11 101 14 13 61,296
Financial Institutions - Local 14,384 213 130 140 18 60 163 9 76 10 8 15,212
Financial Institutions - Overseas 42,482 306 744 974 15 20 143 1 8 2 2 44,697
Non-financial Institutions - Local 733 55 9 33 1 10 54 2 17 2 2 918
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 90 63 311 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 469
Currency Swaps 3,566 148 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 3,725
Financial Institutions - Local 793 72 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 870
Financial Institutions - Overseas 2,702 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,771
Non-financial Institutions - Local 14 8 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 26
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58
OTC Options 1,586 58 104 12 4 2 87 0 8 0 20 1,880
Financial Institutions - Local 120 2 1 1 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 132
Financial Institutions - Overseas 1,170 49 102 10 4 2 77 0 6 0 10 1,429
Non-financial Institutions - Local 290 6 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 312
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Total AUD Turnover 80,511 2,516 2,850 2,290 203 559 1,500 62 644 118 92 91,344

Table 6b: USD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currencya,b,c Daily average (US$m)
  USD Against
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days.

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

c USD turnover excludes AUD/USD turnover.

Outright Spot 7,704 7,607 3,088 535 1,421 2,720 81 1,304 217 354 25,031
Financial Institutions - Local 1,010 800 391 117 230 672 5 132 9 18 3,383
Financial Institutions - Overseas 6,437 6,544 2,642 416 1,161 2,013 73 1,129 199 293 20,907
Non-financial Institutions - Local 137 40 20 2 23 15 2 17 4 22 282
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 121 224 35 0 7 20 1 26 5 21 459
Outright Forwards 968 745 274 73 115 1,009 40 936 56 100 4,315
Financial Institutions - Local 71 186 28 3 31 113 2 238 15 15 701
Financial Institutions - Overseas 856 532 222 70 72 502 38 679 40 81 3,093
Non-financial Institutions - Local 21 11 4 0 9 8 0 8 0 1 63
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 19 15 19 0 4 385 0 11 1 2 457
FX Swaps 11,611 12,237 5,574 932 2,474 12,552 738 3,918 684 2,315 53,034
Financial Institutions - Local 1,256 1,056 559 138 220 2,118 12 256 35 73 5,721
Financial Institutions - Overseas 9,621 9,767 4,771 794 2,209 10,194 317 3,658 532 2,046 43,910
Non-financial Institutions - Local 18 11 4 0 16 10 0 4 8 31 99
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 716 1,404 240 0 29 231 408 0 110 165 3,303
Currency Swaps 110 13 4 0 50 516 0 26 0 0 719
Financial Institutions - Local 1 0 0 0 23 93 0 0 0 0 116
Financial Institutions - Overseas 103 13 4 0 27 384 0 26 0 0 558
Non-financial Institutions - Local 6 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 45
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
OTC Options 220 250 36 4 8 161 0 44 0 1 722
Financial Institutions - Local 1 6 5 0 0 8 0 4 0 0 24
Financial Institutions - Overseas 210 220 30 4 7 136 0 38 0 1 645
Non-financial Institutions - Local 8 4 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 17
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 19 1 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 36
Total USD Turnoverc 20,613 20,851 8,975 1,543 4,068 16,958 858 6,229 958 2,769 83,821

Table 6c: EUR Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currencya,b,c Daily average (US$m)
  EUR Against  
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2013 calculated on 20 trading days.

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

c EUR turnover excludes AUD/EUR and EUR/USD turnover.

d Grand total is the sum of AUD turnover (Table 6a), USD turnover (Table 6b), EUR turnover (Table 6c) and Residuals (Table 6c).

Outright Spot 1,185 600 166 183 125 77 127 95 146 2,704 2,464 47,754
Financial Institutions - Local 41 32 31 5 10 3 0 7 2 130 270 7,250
Financial Institutions - Overseas 1,092 561 135 171 110 73 126 87 115 2,470 2,129 37,590
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2,148
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 52 6 0 7 4 1 1 1 29 101 64 766
Outright Forwards 52 5 15 4 76 1 23 4 2 182 231 11,615
Financial Institutions - Local 9 0 2 0 63 0 13 1 0 89 142 3,811
Financial Institutions - Overseas 42 5 13 4 11 1 5 3 2 85 77 5,110
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 4 2 1,453
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 5 10 1,242
FX Swaps 92 131 11 5 33 0 9 2 229 512 401 115,243
Financial Institutions - Local 8 30 5 3 16 0 7 0 0 69 85 21,087
Financial Institutions - Overseas 71 98 6 1 7 0 2 2 191 378 216 89,201
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 2 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 8 6 1,032
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 13 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 38 57 94 3,922
Currency Swaps 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 21 0 4,466
Financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 986
Financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 21 0 3,351
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58
OTC Options 0 4 0 0 2 0 7 0 10 23 3 2,629
Financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156
Financial Institutions - Overseas 0 4 0 0 2 0 7 0 10 22 3 2,100
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43
Total EUR Turnoverc 1,329 741 192 192 257 78 165 101 387 3,442 3,100 181,707